Below is the information for Saturday and Sunday teams at NCA (everyone except Finesse and Flawless). Please be aware of the Master KC Cheer Schedule for all performance times.
Friday, March 1
All athletes are required to ride the bus to Dallas. The buses will leave from KC Cheer. If you are parking your car at KC Cheer please be sure to park only in front of our building or at the arena. If you are dropping off please enter from the WEST END of the back parking lot and stay out of the way of the buses. Please be on the bus by 6:15 a.m. so we can leave promptly at 6:30 a.m.
The bus will only be stopping for cheerleaders to get off for food and drinks one time, so please make sure your cheerleader has snacks and drinks for the entire 9 hour trip, as well as money for lunch when we stop. We will also be making a few "stretch" stops for the drivers, but cheerleaders will not be allowed off the bus during these stops.
When we arrive in Dallas, cheerleaders should take their luggage to their rooms and get ready for a quick team meeting to discuss the next day. Coaches will let team moms know of the time once we get to Dallas. Athletes should be in bed no later than 10:00 p.m., as we have an early day on Saturday.
Saturday, March 2
Day 1 Attire (Black Tank, Red Bow with Tails)
Fiesta will meet in the lobby at 8:30 a.m. to get on the bus. They should be completely dressed and ready to go at this time.
All of the other teams will board the bus at 9:30 a.m. to go over to watch. They don’t have to be dressed and ready at this time, but we will not be returning to the hotel. Teams should have everything they need to get ready with them.
Here is the schedule for Saturday. The last time this was updated was 2/25/19.
Sunday, March 3
DAY 2 ATTIRE (Team Jersey, White TAilless Bow)
Flawless and Finesse will need to plan to meet in the lobby at 6:00 a.m. dressed and ready to go with all of their stuff to load the buses.
We will let all other teams know about what time they will load the bus once we know about placements. Coaches will let you know who needs to be dressed and ready at this time.
Teams will meet coaches during their "meet time" in the team room. They will need to be dressed and ready when they meet their coach in the team room.
Once teams are finished performing they will stay downtown at the Convention Center for the rest of the day. They will watch teams throughout the day.
Times for Sunday will be updated on the Master Schedule as we learn them.