The Majors 2023

The Majors 2023 will be held in the Indiana Convention Center on Friday, January 20, 2023. The top Senior Level 6 teams in the Nation compete for the title of Majors Champion. Watch LIVE on VarsityTV.

KC Cheer’s Fierce Five will compete at the Majors 2023.

The Majors 2023 Performance Order

The Majors 2023 Timeline of Events

fierce five Schedule of events:

TUESDAY, Jan. 17th- MAJORS SENDOFF at KC Cheer.  Team should arrive dressed and ready at 5:45.  Performance will be at 6:45, followed by team activity.  Family and Friend are encouraged to join us at 6:45 to cheer on the team!

Wednesday, Jan. 18th - practice will start at 6:30 and will end no later than 7:45.

Thursday, Jan. 19th - Travel day - Everyone will leave KC Cheer at 5:00 am.  We advised the athletes to bring healthy food with them on the bus as our normal stops will not be open when we go through STL.   We will stop for the normal drivers break for 30 minutes but not sure what the food situation will be.

Bus should arrive at the Westin Hotel around 2:00 - 2:30 ish.  Athletes will be on their own to rest and get ready for the Athlete Banquet.

Coaches will check in the team and will be picking up parent passes for those who ordered them for Friday morning.

We will meet in the Westin lobby at 5:30 to walk over to the Event which will take place at the Marriott Ballroom.  Athletes are to be dressed in “cocktail” attire (the team has chosen to wear black with red/silver/white accessories).  There will be several photo opportunities prior to the Athlete Banquet. The Athlete’s Banquet will start in the Marriott Ballroom at 6:30.  After opening remarks and introductions coaches will go to the coaches rooms Hall A-E and athletes will remain in the Ballroom for food and DJ.

Parents are invited to socialize in Indiana rooms F-G on the first floor from 6:30-9:30.

The Celebration will end around 9:30 and we will walk back to the hotel together.

CURFEW is 10:00 pm and Lights out at 10:30. This will be strictly enforced as we have a full day on Friday!

Friday, Jan. 20th - Athletes should be dressed and ready in Practice wear and Bow to meet in the lobby at 8:30 AM.

Fierce 5 will enter the practice room at 9:17 am

Fierce 5 On Stage Judging will take place at 10:17 am

After the On Stage judging coaches will be emailed difficulty scores by 4:00 that day.  Fierce 5 will have time to return to the hotel, eat and rest prior to meeting for our evening practice and performance.

Friday evening - Team will meet in the hotel lobby Dressed and ready to go at 5:45.  We are wearing White Uniform  and RED Bow. We will walk over to the convention center, to our team Room which is 245.  We ask that parent do not plan to hang around the team room, as the team needs this time to focus.

Fierce 5 will enter the practice area at 6:46 and perform at 7:30.

Once they have performed they will exit the performance area and be allowed to watch the rest of the competition via live stream in Hall H with all other teams competing in the Majors.  Teams ARE NOT allowed to stay in the performance hall to watch any other teams.  Teams not complying with this rule could be subject to penalty.

Once the competition is complete,  athletes will be invited back to the competition area and Seniors and Super Seniors will be allowed to go onstage for the awards.  All other athletes are to gather around the sides of the stages.  Winning teams athletes will be invited up on stage once placements are announced. At the conclusion of the awards, Fierce 5 will return to the hotel for pizza

Saturday, Jan. 21st - Saturday morning all athletes should meet in the lobby at 9:30 am to walk over to the Athlete Meet and Greet.  This event will take place from 10 am to 1:00.  Athletes should be dressed in full uniform (Black uniform) with Hair done.  Everyday make-up and RED Lipstick is fine for this event.  Here you will interact with other athletes attending Jamfest Super Nationals.  Take pictures and enjoy the event!  Please remember you are representing KC Cheer!! NO PHONES or distracting behavior is acceptable during this time.  Please gracious to all athletes asking for pictures. Remember lots of these athletes look up to you for being invited to the Majors!

At the end of the meet and greet you are free to leave the event.  If you are riding the bus home you will need to check your luggage with the concierge as check out is 11:00 am. The Bus will be ready to load around 1:30 pm. Drop off will be at KC Cheer once you arrive in KC, so please be sure you plan for transportation home from KC Cheer.

Packing list:

  1. Majors Practice wear

  2. White Uniform

  3. Black Uniform

  4. RED  bow

  5. Shoes

  6. Socks

  7. Gym Jersey

  8. Team Red tank top

  9. Make-up

  10. Hairspray

  11. Clothes for Athlete Celebration

  12. Money for food

  13. Medications

  14. ID - school or DL