America's Best Grand Nationals

Spectator Information

All tickets must be purchased on-site at the Box Office. Cash WILL NOT be accepted, those purchasing tickets must provide a Credit Card. Box office hours are listed below along with admissions prices.

Friday Box Office Hours: 6:00-9:00 PM

Saturday & Sunday Box Office Hours: Open at 7:00 AM

Adult 1 Day: $33.00
Child 1 Day: $21.00
Adult 2 Day: $59.00
Child 2 Day: $36.00

The box office is located at the Main Entrance to Municipal Auditorium.

Venue Information:

  • The facility does not allow outside food or drinks. Concessions may be purchased.

  • Doors will open for spectators at 7am

  • Performance Location: Municipal Arena

  • Awards Location: 3501 Great Hall.

  • Event Merchandis is available for purchase onsite.

  • RT Productions will be providing action photography throughout the day. To view these photos, please visit

  • Varsity TV will be live streaming the competition

  • Media Policy: Varsity will allow recording on personal devices. No commercial recording (audio or visual) or commercial live streaming is allowed in the competition venue or other event related venues. (including but not limited to, hotels and restaurants) or on the grounds of any such venues.

  • Please share your journey to this event and pictures captured at the event with Varsity on social media! Instagram & Twitter: @VarsityAllStar

Parking & Entrance: 

  • Public parking is available in multiple lots surrounding the venue.

  • Doors to the venue will open at 7:00 AM.


AB KC Schedule for Saturday
Team Meet Coach Check In Practice Perform Awards
Flippers 7:30 a.m. 7:58 a.m. 8:03 a.m. 8:33 a.m. 10:00 a.m.
Fantastic 7:30 8:01 8:06 8:36 10:00
Fiercelings 9:15 9:46 9:51 10:21 xx
Funky 9:20 9:52 9:57 10:27 xx
Fever 10:15 10:43 10:48 11:18 xx
Flash 12:05 12:37 12:42 1:12 xx
Fiesta 2:15 2:40 2:45 3:15 xx
Fuel 2:25 2:52 2:57 3:27 xx
Force 3:10 3:40 3:45 4:15 xx
Fearless 3:25 3:52 3:57 4:27 xx
Flawless 3:50 4:19 4:24 4:54 xx
Fierce 5 4:50 5:31 5:36 6:06 xx
Fantasy 5:15 5:46 5:51 6:21 xx
Fab4 7:00 7:31 7:36 8:06 xx
Fresh 7:30 7:58 8:03 8:33 xx

We will split the day so that athletes do not have to stay at the event all day long. Of course, you are welcome to and we would love to have everyone there all day to cheer on our teams, but if you must leave early or come later here is how we will split the day:

Fiercelings, Funky, Fever and Flash: Arrive at 8:30 a.m. to watch Flippers and Fantastic and may leave after Flash performs at 1:18. coaches will meet with each team BEFORE they are allowed to leave so be sure you do not leave prior to meeting with your team and coach.

Flippers & Fantastic may leave after their awards.

Force, Fearless, Flawless, Fierce 5, Fantasy, Fab4 and Fresh: Must arrive by 3:00 p.m. to watch Fiesta and Fuel. All these teams will remain until after Fresh competes (including Fiesta & Fuel). Coaches will meet with each team BEFORE you are allowed to leave for the day so please be sure you meet with your team and coach prior to leaving the Auditorium.

Athletes should arrive dressed and ready when they meet their coach. This means full uniform, makeup and hair. You may take your backpack to the practice room with you, but coaches will not be responsible for these. NO JEWELRY. NO LONG NAILS OR NAIL POLISH

athlete information - sunday

AB KC Schedule for Sunday
Team Meet Coach Check In Practice Perform Awards
Fiercelings 7:20 7:43 7:48 8:18 10:00 a.m
Funky 7:30 7:58 8:03 8:33 10:30 a.m.
Fever 8:15 8:49 8:54 9:24 11:00 a.m.
Flash 9:30 10:01 10:06 10:36 12:30 p.m.
Fiesta 11:25 11:52 11:57 12:27 2:30 p.m.
Fuel 11:45 12:16 12:21 12:51 3:00 p.m.
Fearless 12:50 1:25 1:30 2:00 4:30 p.m.
Force 1:10 1:40 1:45 2:15 4:00 p.m.
Fierce Five 2:15 2:49 2:54 3:24 5:00 p.m.
Fantasy 3:15 3:43 3:48 4:18 6:30 p.m.
Flawless 3:45 4:19 4:24 4:54 6:30 p.m.
Fab4 4:45 5:16 5:21 5:51 8:00 p.m.
Fresh 5:30 5:58 6:03 6:33 8:30 p.m.

We will split the day again so that athletes do not have to be at the event all day. Please note, if your arrival time is earlier than the meet time, you must arrive at the team’s arrival time and you must stay for your awards ceremony.

Fiercelings, Funky, Fever,Flash, Fiesta & Fuel: Must arrive in time to watch Fiercelings at 8:18 a.m. and need to stay until Fuel has performed at 12:51. Fiesta & Fuel will remain until after their awards ceremonies.

Fearless, Force, Fierce 5, Fantasy, Flawless, Fab4 and Fresh: Must arrive in time to watch Fearless at 2:00 p.m. and stay until Fresh has competed at 6:36 p.m. Fab4 and Fresh will remain until after their awards ceremonies.

Athletes should be in the Gym Jersey and Black Leggings or warm up pants when not in uniform. Athletes must be in FULL Uniform with shoes and hair up at awards. Please leave all other belongings with your parent for awards.


Final Schedule ABKC