WSA Kansas City

Here is the information for the WSA Competition being held at the Overland Park Convention Center located at 6000 College Blvd in OP this Saturday, March 27th. Spectator ticket information can be found at the bottom of this post. Make sure you are purchasing tickets for the correct session. The sessions are listed on the table below. You can check for further information on the WSA website.

Team members should arrive dressed and ready to compete. Everyone must wear a mask while at the competition. Athletes will be allowed to remove their mask when they compete should they choose to do so. Athletes will meet their coach at the athlete entrance. Be sure you are on time! If you miss your practice time, they will not allow this to be made up.

Team Attire

  • Elite All Star Teams: Full Uniform, White Bow, Warm Up Jacket and Pants, KC Cheer Black Tank Top.

  • All Star Prep Teams: Full Uniform, Team Hair Bow, Red KC Cheer Tank Top

Team Meet Coach Check In Practice Compete Session #
Flippers 8:30 8:55 9:05 9:35 1
Fireflies 8:45 9:10 9:20 9:50 1
Fantastic 9:00 9:30 9:40 10:10 1
Funky 11:30 11:55 12:05 12:35 3
Fancy 11:50 12:20 12:30 1:00 3
Freedom 12:45 1:10 1:20 1:50 4
Frenzy 1:15 1:45 1:55 2:25 4
Fever 2:15 2:45 2:55 3:25 5
Force 2:50 3:25 3:35 4:05 6
Fortune 4:30 5:00 5:10 5:25 7
Finesse 5:05 5:35 5;45 6:15 8

Teams will be dismissed after coaches have reviewed their performance with them. Awards will be posted on the WSA Facebook Live at approximately 7pm.

Spectator Information for WSA

Masks:  Please make sure everyone has a mask upon entry and wears it properly over your nose and mouth the entire time while in the venue.  Athletes can remove their masks for warm-ups and to compete but must wear at all other times.  This is a venue, state mandate, and WSA policy, please make sure you comply to remain in the building.  Athletes will also need to bring their own water bottles as water stations will not be provided due to COVID restrictions.

 Spectators:  All spectators will enter the venue through the main entrance in the front of the building.  Seating is set in family pods.  Do not move the chairs.  Please see your scheduled report times for your team.  Please do not arrive early as you will not be allowed in the venue.  We will clear the venue at the end of each session to remain in capacity limits.

 Our staff will allow one parent to video and take photos and then they can provide this footage to everyone else.  We will not have a viewing area and we ask that everyone except the one designated parent stay in their seats.  Everyone should stay with the family group and not co-mingle with people outside of the immediate household.

 Admissions:  Admissions will be sold only online for this event through the links provided below.  No admissions will be sold at the venue.  We are selling tickets online for each session and you must have a ticket for the current session to be admitted in the venue.  Make sure you know which session your child is competing in and only purchase tickets for that session.  We are required to empty the venue for cleaning and sanitizing in between each session.  If your child is a crossover, we will allow reentry.

We are restricted on the maximum number of people in the venue at one time. We ask that everyone try to limit the number of people in your party to 3-4 so every child can have fans there to watch.

All links will be sent this afternoon. $15/ticket + Eventbrite fees which vary by state

Session 1 Link:

Session 2 Link:

Session 3 Link:

Session 4 Link:

Session 5 Link:

Session 6 Link:

Session 7 Link:

Session 8 Link:

Awards:  We have made the decision to have virtual awards for this event.  We ask that at least one coach remain for the virtual awards at the end the competition.  If this is not possible, we will ship your awards out to you on the following Monday.  No athletes and spectators will be in the venue for awards.  We will host the awards live on Facebook for everyone to view. Awards will start at approximately 7:00pm.  Find us on Facebook at WSA Cheer to watch our Facebook Live virtual awards.