ACA Nationals 2018
We're excited to continue our Nationals season with ACA Nationals in Forth Worth, TX. Below you will find many travel details and guidelines for the upcoming weekend. Please have this information handy to refer to throughout the weekend.
We will be staying at the Sheraton Arlington in Arlington, TX, which is shown on the map to the right.
The Event is at the Fort Worth Convention Center which is in downtown Fort Worth. It is 15 miles from the hotel, which will take the buses approximately 30 minutes to drive.
Parents, the event's Spectator Packet can be found by clicking this link, as well as the Performance Order
- Open containers are not allowed on the bus. All drinks must have a lid.
- You must share seats on the bus. (Unless you paid for a double seat)
- Please remember the four seats in the first row of the bus are reserved for the coaches
- Cheerleaders should wear comfortable clothes on the bus. They may wear slippers on the bus, but must have real shoes to change in to for lunch time.
- The buses are equipped with TVs for movies. Please make sure your movies are age appropriate.
- Cheerleaders are to ride their team buses. If you have cheerleaders on more than one team please inform the coach which bus your cheerleader will be riding if you want them to ride together. Cheerleaders 5th grade and under are required to have a parent with them on the bus.
- Absolutely no switching buses halfway through a trip.
- If you are going to make different arrangements to get home from Fort Worth, please inform the person who is in charge of your bus before Sunday night.
- Cheerleaders must clean up after themselves. If a bus is left dirty, the team responsible will condition at practice in the future!
- Do not leave items on the bus, as they may not be there on Sunday when you get back on.
Please see below for a list of things you'll need for this weekend. Athletes are required to be in the designated attire for that day, so it is important you pack all of the items on this list.
ACA Nationals Packing List
- Uniform top
- Uniform bottom
- Socks
- Cheer shoes
- Makeup
- Hair spray
- Red Bow
- White Bow
- Sparkle Practice Wear
- Infused practice wear
- KC Cheer warmup (black pants or black leggings if you don't have a warmup)
- KC Cheer team Jersey
- KC Cheer grey tank
- Hair clips
- Straightener/curling iron
- Medications (if needed)
- Pillow and blanket for the bus
- Snacks for the bus
- Cell phones/chargers
- Camera
- Money for meals
All cheerleaders should wear the outfits outlined for each day when not in competition uniform during our stay in Fort Worth. Do not leave your hotel room in a sports bra and spandex.
- Cheerleaders are always allowed to be in warmup jackets and black pants or warmup pants when at competitions.
- The team jersey and gray tank are items that every cheerleader must have. All cheerleaders were given one. If you lost yours you need to purchase a new one, because it is required attire for the weekend.
- Cheerleaders must be dressed in gym shirt and black pants or warmup when not in uniform. No PJ pants, jeans or other street clothes!
- Cheerleaders must be in full uniform for awards ceremonies. They will not be allowed on stage if they are not in full uniform.
FRIDAY, February 9
- Buses will leave from the Blue Valley Parking lot (same place as we met for Jamfest) at 9:00 a.m. Please load the buses by 8:45 a.m. We will leave promptly at 9:00, and will not wait for you if you're late.
- The bus will only be stopping for cheerleaders to get off for food and drinks one time for lunch, so please make sure your cheerleader has snacks and drinks for the entire trip, as well as money for lunch when we stop. We will also be making a few "stretch" stops for the drivers, but cheerleaders will NOT be allowed off the bus during these stops. Make sure cheerleaders are in groups when they get off for lunch. Our lunch stop will be 45 minutes.
- We are going to request the hotel pre-key rooms for parents on buses. All other parents will go to the front desk to check in upon their arrival at the hotel.
- KC Cheer enforces a strict 10:00 curfew, as does the hotel. All cheerleaders must be in their assigned rooms by 10:00 p.m. with lights out by 10:30.
- The KC Cheer staff and parents will be patrolling the hotel to enforce this curfew. There will be serious consequences for anyone found outside of their rooms past curfew. We have had to use these punishments before and have no problem using them again. You're here to do a job, and we need all athletes to be well-rested.
Saturday, February 10
ATTIRE: Grey Gym Tank and Black Pants when Not in Uniform, White Bow
- Fever Flash and Force will meet coaches in the hotel lobby at 9:00 a.m. to ride over to the convention center.
- Your "meet the coach" time on the table below is the time you should meet once you get to the convention center (Fever will just meet in Hotel Lobby and Coaches will take them directly to the practice room from the bus).
- Everyone else will meet in the hotel lobby with all of their things for the day at 10:00 a.m. Athletes should be wearing uniform top with Grey tank over and/or warmup jacket and black warmup pants.
- Hair and makeup must be done at this time, except for lipstick which can be applied later.
- Athletes should also bring sparkle practice wear with them to change into if we need to have an extra practice.
- We will not be returning to the hotel until the end of the day so it is important you have everything you need with you.
- KC Cheer has a team room in the convention center. The room number is 111. Please understand that teams will be using this room throughout the weekend for a meeting place and any practices we may need. Do not leave your valuables in this room, as it will not be locked.
After teams perform, they will meet with coaches to go over scoresheets and discuss Sunday. Everyone will try to meet their teams before leaving the convention center in the team room, unless they are one of the later teams. Team moms will communicate this information as it becomes available. If we can find a spot to have a quick meeting we will do so to inform everyone of the details for Sunday. Otherwise we will send an email to everyone with details about check out for Sunday.
Saturday, February 11
ATTIRE: Red Jersey, Red Bow
Hotel checkout is at 11:00 am on Sunday morning.
Make sure your cheerleader takes ALL needed items with her in the morning on Sunday to the arenas. We will load the buses with all luggage on Sunday morning. You will not be able to get to this luggage until the end of the day on Sunday when we load the buses.
Fever, Flash and Force will meet in the hotel lobby at 8:00 a.m. dressed and ready to go. Everyone else will meet at 9:00 to load the busses to go watch these teams. We will not be coming back to the hotel, so busses need to be loaded at this time. We suggest you leave at least an hour to load the bus before 9:00, because elevators are slow. Do not attempt to bring everything downstairs to load the bus and meet your teams at 8:45. You will not have enough time.
Below is the performance schedule and awards schedule. Again, all team members must be at all team performances, even after their awards ceremonies are over.
Traveling Home
We will leave after Fantasy's awards at 7:30. Cheerleaders should head directly for buses after Fantasy's awards. We will not be stopping on the way home for food, so please plan for this (drinks and snacks). If your cheerleader is not riding the bus home, please let your coach or team mom know before Sunday evening. Your cheerleader is still required to stay for all team performances even if he or she is not riding the bus home. Please understand this is expected of each cheerleader!
We are looking forward to an extremely fun (and hopefully warm!) weekend at ACA Nationals in Fort Worth