Extra Practice - Nov. 4th:
Fantasy - 2:15-4:15
Fab 4 - 2:15-4:15 (new time)
Flawless - 3:30-5:00
Fearless - 4:00-6:00 (new time)
Famous - 5:00-7:00 (additional practice)
Fierce 5 - 7-9:00
Extra Practice - Nov. 10th
Fuel and Feisty - 4:45-6:45
Fever and Flash - 6:45-8:45
Extra Practice - Nov. 11th
Flippers and Force- 9-11:00
Fantastic and Fiesta - 11-1:00
Fiercelings, Fantasy - 1:00-3:00
Fearless, Flawless and Famous - 3:00-5:00 (new time for Flawless)
Fab4, Fierce Five and Fireball - 5:00-7:00