Spirit Sports Nationals

Spirit Sports Kansas City Nationals will be held on February 8th and 9th at the Kansas City Convention Center located at 301 W. 13th St. in KCMO. This event will be held at Municipal Auditorium.

Teams attending this event: Flippers, Fantastic, Fiercelings, Feisty, Flash, Fuel, Fever, Fiesta, Force, Fireflies, Foxy and Frenzy

Block Schedule

They will not be selling physical tickets at the door. Spectators purchasing tickets will need a valid email address and credit card number. They will receive a digital ticket that will be scanned upon entry into the competition.

To expedite the admission process and keep lines short, they highly encourage everyone to purchase their tickets prior to arriving this weekend.

Buy Tickets Here

Team information

Coaches will meet their teams in the main lobby entrance and take them to the paractice area. Cheerleaders should be fully dressed in uniform and ready when they meet their coach.

Athletes and Parents: part of your job at every competition is to CHEER on ALL our TEAMS. Obviously the more athletes and fans we have cheering for our teams all day long, the better. Review the schedule and know when all the KC cheer teams are competing.

Athlete attire

Athletes should be in the following attire when not in uniform:

Elite Teams:

  • Saturday - Red Star sponsor t-shirt with Black pants

  • Sunday - KC Cheer Gym Jersey and Black pants

Prep Teams - Red Star Sponsor shirt and uniform

Firecrackers - Uniform



  • Elite Teams Saturday - Black Bow

  • Elite Teams Sunday - Red/Black Sparkle Bow

  • Flippers & Fantastic - Red/Black Sparkle Bow

  • Half Year Teams - Red/Black Sparkle Bow

  • Firecrackers - Team Bow

hair and makeup:

Athletes should adhere to the make up and requirements for their team. No extra colorful eyeshadow . Use only the KC Cheer Approved make up pallet and NO Cat eyeliner.

Half Season athletes are not required to wear make up.

Hair should not have “wispies” on the sides. All hair should be up in a high ponytail.

All jewelry must be removed prior to meeting your coach.

All nails should be without color and short. LONG NAILS ARE A DANGER TO OTHER ATHLETES.

**Coaches have been over all these details multiple times with athletes. Athletes reporting to a competition without following these requirements are subject to a fine.**


KC CHEER IS SO EXCITED TO HAVE A QUALITY COMPETITION IN OUR HOMETOWN! We hope that all of our athletes and parents/fans will rally together and show your KC PRIDE!

  • Dress in KC Cheer Gear - lots of great options available at the gym!

  • Sit in a group of KC Cheer Fans

  • Go Down to the Floor and BE LOUD

  • Remember that you are representing KC Cheer at each event. Win or lose, good performance or not so great, we are ONE TEAM and ONE FAMILY. Be kind to other teams, wish them luck and always be respectful of the judges’ decisions.

  • Lastly, parents your biggest job is to support your cheerleader! Be excited when they are excited, wipe their tears if they are sad and above all remember this is a TEAM. We do not point fingers or place blame we look for the positive in each and every performance whether it’s a lesson learned or a Magical Moment. What you say and do has a lot to do with how your cheerleader reacts.

  • Let the coaches do the coaching.


Spirit Sports Kansas City - Saturday, February 8, 2025
Team Meet Coach Check In Warm Up Perform Awards
Fiercelings 7:50 8:39 8:44 9:17 12:30
Fireflies 8:10 8:53 8:58 9:31 12:30
Flippers 8:15 9:04 9:09 9:42 12:30
Flash 8:50 9:39 9:44 10:17 12:30
Fantastic 9:00 9:49 9:54 10:27 12:30
Feisty 9:30 10:17 10:22 10:55 12:30
Frenzy 9:20 10:24 10:29 11:02 12:30
Foxy 9:30 10:35 10:40 11:13 12:30
Firecrackers 10:55 11:10 11:15 11:48
Fiesta 2:30 3:06 3:11 3:44
Fuel 3:40 4:35 4:40 5:13
Fever 6:40 7:35 7:40 8:13
Force 7:15 8:08 8:13 8:46


Spirit Sports Kansas City - Sunday, February 9,2025
Team Meet Coach Check In Warm Up Perform Awards
Fiesta 9:15 10:04 10:09 10:42 11:16
Fuel 11:05 11:50 11:55 12:28 2:06
Fever 3:15 4:00 4:05 4:38 6:04
Force 4:00 4:49 4:54 5:27 6:04